Head Office: São Francisco do Sul

Ave.Doutor Nereu Ramos, 490, Rocio Grande, 89331-260, São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil

+55 (47) 3442-2507

+55 (47) 3442-2507


José Ricardo

Operations Manager:

+55 (47) 99246-0242

+55 (47) 99760-0388

+55 (47) 99218-1247

Port of
São Francisco do Sul

Historical Facts

In 1921 the Federal Inspection of Ports, Rivers and Canals prepared a project for the construction of port facilities on site, in sequence, the Union commissioned its completion with the government of the state of Santa Catarina, on October 26, 1922.

Decree No. 9.967, of December 26, 1912, granted permission to the Company of the Railroad Sao Paulo - Rio Grande to deploy a maritime station in the San Francisco Bay South (SC), but the work was not honored. In 1921 the Federal Inspection of Ports, Rivers and Canals prepared a project for the construction of port facilities on site, in sequence, the Union commissioned its completion with the government of the state of Santa Catarina, on October 26, 1922.

Running under the responsibility of the state agency Company of the Port of San Francisco South suffered several impediments, only proceeding with the grant of a new lease pursuant to Decree No. 6,912, of March 1, 1941 On November 24, 1955, the state created the municipality of Port Management South San Francisco. improvements initially planned constituted maritime access, 334,5m berth and two warehouses, the whole being to traffic on July 1, 1955.

Source: APSFS, Wikipedia
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Port of

The Port Itapoá began operations in June 2011.Além of its strategic location Terminal integrates Babitonga Bay with secure features and easy for berthing of ships.

Historical Facts

The Port Itapoá began operations in June 2011 Privately administration, has a structure capable of moving 500 000 TEUs per year and has already started its expansion project, which will enable the movement of 2 million TEUs annually. Located on the north coast of Santa Catarina, Port of Itapoá is positioned among the most productive regions of Brazil, contemplating importers and exporters of diverse business segments.

In addition to its strategic location Terminal integrates Babitonga Bay, with safe and easy features for berthing of ships. With calm and deep waters the bay is ideal for receiving large vessels, a trend increasingly adopted in the global navigation.

Born as one of the most modern terminals in the world, the Port of Itapoá is in the city of Itapoá as a greenfield project, situated away from the city limits, with direct connection to the BR 101 also has an area of 12 million m² defined by the Plan in the Municipality to receive complementary endeavors.


Area: 156.000m²

Extension of the wharf: 630m

Source: Port of Itapoá Administration
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