In 2020 we at Amat Shipping achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification. Receiving this certification means another achievement completed. We are always prioritizing offering a quality service to our customers and employees. But, after all, what does this certification mean?

ISO 9001 is a management system with the objective of ensuring process optimization, greater agility in the product process and agile production. Aiming to better serve customers, providing more security and continuous improvements.

So that this can be done, the Quality Management System (QMS) comes into action and works as an instrument guiding the manager to find and correct inefficient processes within the organization. Having this certification is a way of documenting the company's culture, making the organization grow while maintaining the quality of its services.

This standard is the most recognized and adopted by large companies around the world, which can be applied by companies of different sizes. As an international system adopted by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), it aims to develop and promote standards that can be used by all countries.

Our certificate can be accessed at the following link:
ISO 9001

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